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Title 8 is Here!


The eighth book is now available for presale on Amazon. I have included links on the Potter’s Field for Wizards page to request a copy to review. The deal here is if you download a copy, you are agreeing to write a short review after it's published on January 7th (the agreement doesn't say you have to give a good review). The picture this week is the cover template for the book.

I've started working on my next project, which will be an anthology of short stories. There are at least fourteen stories, each one was inspired by a title of a volume from the Wheel of Time series. The Defenders of Vosj series was inspired by the title "Towers of Midnight" the 13th volume in that series.

As I write this, I'm listening to Joe Walsh's Life's Been Good. This ballad has two of my favorite lines from songs: 1) It's hard to leave when you can't find the door; and 2) They say I'm lazy, but it takes all my time.

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