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One Week Away


I'm excited at the launch of my second book on 12/13. This will be the first time I have two books available. My mailing list passed 600 at the beginning of December and continues to grow each day, it too gives me pleasure to write the newsletter each week to connect with people.

On Sunday I watched England play in the World Cup, and I cooked my first stew in two years. These things take five+ hours to prepare and cook. It was the right food for

a cold day here in Texas.

I've included a picture of my mock-up for the third book. The official cover will be designed by Jim Zaccaria, who does all my covers now.

I've been writing the fourth book each day, so far, I've written over 10,000 words to cover the new beginning to The Four Crowns. This book will conclude the beginning of the story, and the last four books will tell the end of the story. The middle will be left to the reader’s imagination.

As I write this, I'm listing to Fleetwood Mac's "Go Your Own Way" on the radio that's playing a tribute to the recently departed Christie McVie.

P.S. I've updated my map for the remaining 8 books. Check it out on any of the book pages. This map is also in the current print editions of the books as a 2-page spread.

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